Outrageous, I tell you all. This is worse than the Apocalypse of the world!
Since this morning I've been extremely bored, doing nothing what-so-ever-- except that I've been doing my Ancient History Personality project, but that's still nothing.
Since this morning, I've been on the computer non-stop-- I'd usually be out and about with someone.
Since this morning, I've been leaving my music player on all day.
Since this morning, I've been missing Angela, and how I would be with her if she was here.
Boredom has never gotten to me before, up until now. It's not a nice feeling at all. It literally stroke me down in darkness. I guess this is the time for me; when Angela isn't here, to do my assignments, and to try and finish it off.
For three days. Three whole days.
I just can't wait till Angela comes back. No more boredom for me.
I'll wait, wait until you come back, to regain the enthusiasm I had when you were here.